Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lab 7 - Part II

Lab 7 - Part II: Apply and Pratice

California is earthquake state. A lot of earthquakes happened every year but only few part of earthquakes occurred in urban area that can cause property damage and loss of life. Let's find which historical earthquakes that fits the questions.

Q1) Symbolize the new dataset using the ‘Count’ field and generate a map layout
with a legend and title ONLY and export to your blog.

Q2) What is the primary key relationship (ex. one-many) between the two tables
just joined?

Primary key: GEOid
One-to-one relationship

Q3) Which County had a maximum earthquake magnitude less than 4.5 and at least one earthquake

Mariposa County

Q4) How many earthquakes above magnitude 5.0 have been located in urban areas?

45 earthquakes

Q5) What is the total number of earthquakes (Count) in the county with a population over 1,000,000 and maximum earthquake depth greater than 17 km?

264 earthquakes

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