Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lab 2 - chapter 3 assignment cont.

 Assignment Question - Answer

1. Following step 7 in exercise 3a, suggest an appropriate viewing order for each data layer from
top to bottom?
            Cities – Flight Path – Countries – Graticule

2. Name five US Cities along Earhart’s path.
            Oakland, Tucson, New Orleans, Miami, and San Juan.

3. Name five other countries Earhart flies over.
            Venezuela, Suriname, Brazil, Senegal, Mali, Chad, Sudan, Eritrea (Ethiopia in 1937), Pakistan (India in 1937), Myanmar, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, and Papua New Guinea.

4. Where was the end of Earhart’s “planned” flight path?
Lae, Papua New Guinea.

5. Use the “Measure” tool to calculate the distance between Earhart’s planned flight finish and
probable finish (the difference between the end of the planned route and probable route).
            Length: 776.9 kilometers.

6. What is the name of the island she should have completed her journey?
            Howland Island.
7. In exercise 3c, use the attribute table to find how many cities Earhart visited during her journey.
            27 cities.

8. Sort the “Length” field of Earhart’s journey. What was the shortest leg?
            From St. Louis to Dakar, 180.017 kilometer.

9. What was the approximate distance of the longest leg of her flight?
            From Natal to St. Louis, 3184.838 kilometer.

Chapter 4 will be finish later if I can reinstalling ArcGIS software. I need to move license from 30 days evaluation to 1 year student  evaluation.

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