Wednesday, September 26, 2012

LAb Assignment 3 Part I

1. As I mentioned, there is a hierarchy of three classes of vector data - shapefiles, coverages, and feature classes - each type with increasing complexity and capabilities. Name the data sets in the folder that belong to each class and which type of vector model they represent (point, line, polygon).

a) Shapefile
b) Coverage
c) Feature Class
Mineral King [Personal Geodatabase]
Caves (PG Feature Class)
Elevation (PG Raster Class)
Faults (PG Feature Class)
Folds (PG Feature Class)
Marble (PG Feature Class)
Streams (PG Feature Class)
Cities [Coverage]
            Point (Point Feature Class)
            Tic (Tic Feature Class)
Countries [Coverage]
            Arc (Arc Feture Class)
            Label (Label Feature Class)
            Polygon (Polygon Feature Class)
            Region.counties (Region Feature Class)
            Tic (Tic Feature Class)
Emergencyctr [Coverage]
            Point (Point Feature Class)
            Tic (Tic Feature Class)

Hydro_In [Coverage]
            Arc (Arc Feature Class)
            Route.hydroIn (Route Feature Class)
            Tic (Tic Feature Class)
Country_boundaries [Shapefile]
Flight_diverge [Shapefile]
Flight_path [Shapefile]
Quksigx020 [Shapefile]
Volcanoes [Shapefile]

2. Describe the icon (color, design, etc) associated with each of the three classes.
Shapefile: single yellow rectangular icon
Coverage: triple yellow rectangular icon
Feature Class: single yellow rectangular icon
Shapefile and Feature Class can include different symbol at inside of rectangular icon. Coverage icon can show one of symbol from its contained Shapefile or Feature Class.

3. Now minimize ArcCatalog. Open the folder where your data is saved using Windows Explorer (the “My Documents” folder used for routine file management in the Windows environment).
You should see a number of different files associated with each of the caves, streams, and marble datasets. Name all six extensions you see. They should be the same for all three datasets and independent of vector data type.
4. Open any of the .prj files. What information is given? (hint: browse the layer properties window for ant vector dataset and compare this information to what you see in the .prj file).


5. What type of data do you suppose the .dbf file extension contains?

Database files

6. Using the lecture, your textbook and ArcGIS Help, describe the contents of each of the four remaining files not addressed in the two previous questions.
.shp – main file (features)
.shx – index file (defines linkages)
.dbf – database file (attribute table)
.prj – projection information
.sbn – spatial index file

7. Go back to ArcCatalog and you should see the Mineral King geodatabase. We will talk in detail about geodatabases later, but what happens when you open the geodatabase? Include a screenshot of what you see.

8. Now navigate to the geodatabase using Windows Explorer. What do you see when attempting to access the geodatabase from Windows Explorer?

Microsoft Access Database

9. Back in ArcCatalog, locate the 'elevation' dataset. This raster dataset represents a widely analyzed type raster data.
a) Add the raster file into ArcMap

b) Briefly describe the type of raster data
Elevation, value of high and low in meter.

c) Name the file extension used to save the dataset (use ArcGIS Help but common raster
formats include TIFF, GRID, ASCII, cid, etc)
Mineral_King.mdb ArcMap personal geodatabase

d) Include a screenshot of the raster image from ArcMap.

 (Thanks for solve my 3 questions.)


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